The Octangle Crystal Element is shaped like a rectangular octagon and features a faceted crystal of your choice in silver or gold!
African Jade is thought to help with serenity and relaxation. Known for its nurturing properties, this gemstone is often used to attract friendships and improve relationships. Many believe that African Jade provides access to hidden knowledge and helps turn dreams into reality. The stone is associated with the Heart Chakra, which is thought to be the center of compassion, love, and forgiveness.
Amazonite is used by many to soothe anxiety and boost self-esteem. Some believe that this gemstone embodies healing energy and helps remove distress from the body. It’s revered by many for its ability to promote inner-strength and wellbeing. The blue energy of Amazonite is associated with the Throat Chakra, which is thought to be the center of truth and self-expression.
Amethyst is revered by many for its calming properties. The stone is thought to help those battling emotions such as grief, loss, and sorrow. Many use Amethyst to cleanse negative energy and encourage tranquility. The purple energy of the gemstone is associated with the crown chakra, which is thought to be the center of spirituality and consciousness.
Blue Lace Agate is admired for its purification properties. Many believe that the stone can be used to help with stage fright and fears of public speaking, those that use it have said it helped them find their voice and increase their confidence. Blue Lace Agate has also been known for improving the clarity of one’s mind and promoting an overall sense of renewal for those who use it.
Howlite is admired for its calming abilities. This stone is thought to help people whose minds are always racing—it is believed that Howlite can be used to quiet one’s thoughts. Many have also used Howlite to help with communication and patience. The pure white energy of this stone is associated with emotional stability, as well. Howlite is associated with the crown chakra, which is believed to be where our awareness and intelligence come from.
Malachite is celebrated for its transformational properties. If you’re someone that is going through a lot of change or is looking to grow as a person, Malachite just might be the crystal for you. It is believed that Malachite can bring to one’s attention the aspects of their life that are no longer benefiting them. The rich-green energy of this crystal is also believed to help one step out of their comfort zone and finally let go of the things that have been burdening them. Malachite is associated with the heart chakra, which is thought to be the epicenter of love.
Moonstone is appreciated by many for its deep emotional properties. The stone is thought to aid its user with accepting new beginnings and opening their receptiveness. The energy of the stone is associated with intuition and wisdom, which allows users to embrace change. Moonstone has been used to heal one’s deepest emotions to allow for rich, inner growth.
Onyx is referred to as a protective, confident stone encouraging good fortune and positive energy. Many believe that this gemstone helps in letting go of the past and manifesting the future. Onyx is often connected to the root chakra, which is thought to be the center for grounding and stability.
Rose quartz, also known as hyaline quartz, is commonly referred to as the stone of love and compassion. Many believe that this gemstone can help strengthen relationships and release negative emotions. Rose quartz is often used to help heal emotional wounds and restore inner-harmony. This gemstone is primarily aligned with the heart chakra, thought to be the center for compassion and forgiveness.
Sodalite is thought to provide insight and enhance mental clarity. The gemstone is used by some to draw out internal thoughts and improve communication. Many believe that Sodalite also helps develop relationships and foster deeper connections with others. The purple energy of Sodalite is associated with the Third Eye Chakra, which is thought to be the center of wisdom and awareness.
Tiger’s Eye is known as a stone of protection and is often used to inspire bravery and block out fear. Drawn from the power and ferocity of a tiger, this gemstone is thought to bring good luck and self-confidence. Many believe that the tiger’s eye crystal is linked to both the root and sacral chakras, which are said to clear negative energy, calm anxiety, and promote creativity.
NOTE: This product includes an octangle crystal element only. Make sure to add a base to your cart down below!
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